Every year, millions of Americans make a New Year’s resolution to get healthy. THIS will be the year I eat better, exercise more, take care of myself! But, committing to change can be overwhelming. Community First wants to help you achieve your goals in 2023. It is possible to take small steps that will lead to a healthier you.

One step in the right direction is to try meal planning.

Do you constantly find yourself asking, “What should I have for lunch?” or “Where should we eat tonight?” Choosing what foods we put into our bodies is something that we have to do every. single. day, multiple times a day. It’s not always possible to make a homecooked healthy meal every night or get in the recommended amount of fruits and veggies. We get that. But one of the best ways to set yourself up for success is to create a plan.

What is meal planning?
Meal planning is just what it sounds like – planning your meals! (Meal planning is different from meal prepping. No food prep is necessary here, although you can prepare ingredients for your meals ahead of time if that makes it easier for you to stay on track.)

Meal planning takes the stress out of food decisions. It’s easy to give in to cravings or what’s convenient when you’re tired or the pantry is empty. By planning ahead, shopping for the specific items you need for each meal, and really sticking to your plan, you’ll save time and money, reduce stress, waste less, and be on the way to a healthier you.

We’ve created a free meal planning sheet to get you started! Print it weekly, fill in your choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and make your shopping list – all in one spot.

Download Here (ENG | SPAN)

Need a little extra motivation? Join our Healthier You! Member Activity during January and February – “Kitchen Masters.” Choose five healthy recipes to make with the family, submit a picture of each meal you make, tell us why you’re committed to making healthier food choices, and win prizes and rewards. It’s that easy!

Here are a few other things you can do to keep on track in 2023:

    • Take our online Health Assessment so we can learn how to better serve your needs. (Some Members may qualify to earn a gift card just for completing this assessment.*)

    • Join our no-cost Lifestyle Management Program, Healthy Living, designed to help you understand how to incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life.

If you have diabetes and want extra help with meal planning or managing your disease, consider joining our Diabetes Management Program, Diabetes in Control. Members can get free diabetes education, blood sugar testing and supplies, and more.

If you would like to join Healthy Living, Diabetes in Control, or any of our no-cost Health & Wellness Programs and find out what incentives (including gift cards!) you can get for participating, reach out to a Community First Health Educator who will be happy to help. Call 210-358-6055 or email healthyhelp@cfhp.com.

Let’s take on 2023 together as we plan to succeed in a healthier lifestyle!

*Contact a Health Educator to find out if you qualify.

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